Free tickets giveaway!!
First meeting of the new season
Tonight was the first of the new season and the theme for the evening was 'New Beginnings'. Abi Lindsay spoke to B3 and then Jess gave a pitch in the 'Dragons Den' looking for £20,000 for a new catering venture, Christine, Ella and Abi were the dragons.
Check out our new Facebook page!
We now have a new Facebook page, if you are on Facebook then please click on the link and like!!
New Season 2013/14 starts!!
The first meeting of the new season takes place on Thurs 5th September at Morton Manor, the theme for the night is 'New Beginnings'. Why don't you join us and come along as a visitor.
Speakersclub can help you to:
Overcome fear
Fear of speaking in front of people is a problem for most of us. By joining a Speakers Club you will quickly overcome that fear. Speaking to an audience need not be a daunting experience.
Develop Self-confidenceWith practice and help from a friendly group of people, you can soon be on your way to:
• Giving a business presentation
• Chairing business meetings
• Speaking about a local cause
• Coping with a job interview
• Giving a lecture
• Giving a vote of thanks
• Or simply “saying a few words”
• Presenting a degree dissertation
Richard is our new President
The meeting on Thursday 16th May was our Annual General Meeting, at
which our new officers were elected. The new President is Richard Hunt,
Vice-President Jill Simpson, Jess Sinclair is now Immediate Past
President, Ella Atherton is Education Director, Doreen Wood Secretary,
Bruce Pilling Treasurer and Abi Lindsay Publicity Officer/Webmaster.
L-R: Doreen, Jill, Richard, Ella |
L-R: Jill, Christine, Ella, Susan |
Outgoing President Jess also presented Ella with the Ruth Lockyer Clock for the member showing the greatest improvement over the last season.
When the official business was complete the meeting continued with a Topics session ably organised by Barbara Inglis, one of our more recently-joined members.
Carlisle hosts Border Area Conference
Carlisle & District Speakers Club were the hosts of the annual Conference of Border Area of the Association of Speakers Clubs, on Sunday 27th January at Morton Community Centre, Wigton Road, Carlisle. All five Clubs in Border Area - Annan, Carlisle & District, Cockermouth, Stranraer and West Coast - took part in the Area Annual General Meeting, at which National President of the Association Graham McLachlan and North West District President Margaret Robertson were our honoured guests.
Area President Susan Trafford, of Carlisle & District SC, was re-elected for a second year, and David Heaton of West Coast SC was elected Vice-President.
As the Area Secretary Jess Sinclair and Treasurer Richard Hunt, both of Carlisle & District SC, were willing to continue serving they were reappointed to those roles.
After the A.G.M. representatives from each of the Clubs competed in the three disciplines of Speech, Evaluation and Topics. The Speech winner was Wendy Brown of Cockermouth, with Runner-up Jess Longrigg of West Coast. Evaluation was won by Margaret Hunt of Carlisle & District, with Runner-up Davidson Bell of Cockermouth, and the Topics winner was David Preshaw of West Coast, with Runner-up Robert Higgins of Stranraer. Winners and Runners-up will all compete again at the North West District conference on Sunday 3rd March in Lockerbie.