Being able to speak with confidence in public is something that almost anyone can do - given regular practice and expert advice and support. Oh, and a friendly and supportive atmosphere helps too!
Do you ...
* Feel panic if you are asked to speak out loud?
* Feel too shy to put your point of view?
* Want to improve your personal confidence and communication skills?
* Need to speak as part of your job?
* Have to speak at a function, such as make a wedding speech?
* Have to face that job interview?
* Need to speak at any social or business occasion?
* Already have an interest in speaking ?
* Just feel you'd like to try it?
If the answer to any of these is 'YES' then why not come along and visit us? Visitors are always welcome - come for a night out and see what we do - take part if you wish, but we will not pressurise you. The Association of Speakers Clubs may not be for you!
Our members are men and women who have a range of speaking skills, from experienced professionals to nervous beginners. Frequent opportunities to speak within the club definitely helps us to overcome problems and build confidence. You will be guided by experienced speakers (who have all been where you are now) who are keen to pass on their skills.
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